Federal Cabinet Approves Rs. 5.72 Per Unit Hike in NEPRA Base Tax on IMF Demand


Government Bureau Endorses Rs. 5.72 Per Unit Climb in NEPRA Base Tax on IMF Interest

The government bureau has endorsed a climb in the base power duty, successful from July 1, 2024.

The Public Electric Power Administrative Power (NEPRA) had presented a proposition for an increment of Rs. 5.72 per unit.

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The controller had proposed expanding the typical fundamental power duty from Rs. 29.78 to Rs. 35.50 per unit.

NEPRA Base Tax

Following NEPRA’s endorsement, the national government will give a notice to execute the new rates.

It ought to be referenced here that the Global Financial Asset (IMF) has requested that Pakistan increment the power levy by Rs. 5 for each unit before July 10, 2024, to get another program. The bank has set power and gas cost climbs as earlier activities for the new program, so an expansion in power costs is especially probable.

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