Punjab Dispenses Rs. 10 Billion for PC Plan

Punjab Dispenses Rs. 10 Billion for PC Plan

The Punjab government has distributed a lot of Rs 10 billion for a PC plot focused on understudies in the impending FY 2024-25 spending plan, as revealed by 24NewsHD Station.

Reports demonstrate that this choice comes because of proposals from advanced education area changes, driving the public authority to resuscitate the PC conspire following a seven-year break. This drive is intended to help the instructive requirements of skilled understudies by furnishing them with free PCs, which will be remembered for the following monetary spending plan.

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PC plan

The PC plot is important for a more extensive work to upgrade instructive assets and backing for understudies across Punjab, meaning to further develop admittance to computerized apparatuses and innovation that are fundamental for present day learning. By putting resources into this drive, the public authority desires to connect the advanced separation and guarantee that understudies have the vital devices to prevail in their scholastic undertakings.

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